Band Saw Blades

  • Lenox HRX Lenox HRX

    Lenox HRX

    LONG BLADE LIFE WHEN CUTTING LARGE STRUCTURAL BEAMSPatent pending and designed to resist stripping teethPOWER BLAST TECHNOLOGY®Strengthens the blade to minimize breaks STRAIGHT CUTS THROUGH WIDE CROSS SECTIONSDesigned to improve chip flow and reduce...

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  • Simonds PreSharp Simonds PreSharp

    Simonds PreSharp

    ​Whether you are running a resaw or portable sawmill, Simonds 1-1/4″ wide PreSharp blades are engineered to withstand the high feed speeds, cut straight, deliver long run times and help sawmills control saw dust. PreSharp 1-1/4″ delivers...

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  • Simonds Dust Notch

    Simonds Dust Notch

    MINIMIZES DUST ON SAWN BOARDSUnique tooth design reduces or eliminates secondary dedusting operations CUTS STRAIGHTER AND LASTS LONGER AT HIGHER FEED RATESExceptional results in frozen wood EXTREMELY VERSATILEUsed to cut cants, dry boards, soft and...

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  • Gen-Tech Gen-Tech


    AFFORDABLE PRICE POINTLow cost per cut VERSATILE, EASY TO USEVersatile, set-style tooth design for use on wide range of materials and saws LONG BLADE LIFEHonex™ Technology limits chipping enabling long blade life and...

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  • Armor VP Armor VP

    Armor VP

    FASTER CUTTING INCREASES PRODUCTIVITYAluminum, Titanium, and Nitrogen (AITIN) Coating protects the teeth from heat build-up to enable faster Cutting *vs. LENOX® ARMOR® CT Black Blades CONSISTENTLY LONGER BLADE LIFEARMOR Coating increases surface...

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  • Master Grit Master Grit

    Master Grit

    TUNGSTEN CARBIDE PARTICLE GRITMetallurgically bonded edgeGULLETEDFor applications greater than 1/4"(6.4mm) in cross-sectionCONTINUOUSFor applications less than 1/4"(6.4mm) in cross-section Master Grit: The High-Performance Blade for Abrasive Material...

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  • #32 Wood #32 Wood

    #32 Wood

    STRAIGHTER, EASIER CUTTINGManufactured with a heavier gauge (.032") flexible carbon steel material DESIGNED FOR CONTOUR CUTTING OF WOODPerfect for furniture manufacturing operations Looking for a bandsaw blade that can handle even the most demanding...

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  • Neo-Type Neo-Type


    STRAIGHTER, EASIER CUTThe body of this blade is heat treated for extra stability while cuttingRecommended for use at band speeds less than 4,000 feet (1,200 meters) per minute DESIGNED FOR USE ON VERTICAL CONTOUR SAWS AND SMALL CUT-OFF SAWSPerfect for...

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  • Flex Back Flex Back

    Flex Back

    EXCELLENT FATIGUE LIFEDesigned to cut a wide variety of materialsFlexible carbon steel is very durable even at high band speeds—up to15,000 feet (4,500 meters) per minute DESIGNED FOR USE ON VERTICAL CONTOUR SAWSPerfect for utility cutting of a...

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  • PalletMaster B PalletMaster B

    PalletMaster B

    Bi-METAL CONSTRUCTION DELIVERS BETTER WEAR AND HIGHER HEAT RESISTANCESignificantly outperforms traditional carbon steel blades VARI-TOOTH® DESIGN EXTENDS BLADE LIFE AND REDUCES VIBRATIONLonger life against hardened nails and screws FEWER BLADE...

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  • WoodMaster B WoodMaster B

    WoodMaster B

    CUTS FASTER AND LONGER THAN ONE-PIECE CARBON STEEL BLADESTwo-piece steel construction provides excellent blade life INCREASED HEAT AND WEAR RESISTANCECobalt rich, high-speed steel tooth tips INCREASED BEAM STRENGTH FOR LONGER FATIGUE LIFEDurable spring...

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